Why College Ministry?
96% of College Students in America are Unacquainted with the Gospel
Our Motivation
There are over 5000 Universities in the U.S. and over 21 million students enrolled in universities. Less than 4% of them have a biblical worldview. It's staggering.
The harvest is plentiful,
but the laborers are few.
A Crisis on Campus
In the last 30 years, college students have become much less religious. Roughly 70% of high school students who enter college as professing Christians will leave college with little to no faith.* These are disturbing trends that have given us a sense of urgency to bring the Gospel in compelling ways back to the college campus.
*Barna Research Group (2022)
Disturbing trends on college campuses…
“The number of those (18-26 years old) who claim no religious affiliation (the ‘nones’)….is the largest (36%) single category of response when asked about their religious faith .”
— Pew Research (2014)
“A national survey of college students found that nearly 40 percent experienced depression. One in three reported having had anxiety, and one in seven said they’d thought about suicide in the past year.”
— American Public Media
“Around 20 percent of female undergraduates are victims of sexual assault or sexual misconduct at some point during their college life.”
— Survey from the Association of American Universities (2019)